
From Chapter 6: Building Character

Shaping (Morphs)

What are morphs? Morphs are shaping tools which can be used to modify or change the mesh of a figure or object to alter the appearance. There are morphs to make a figure fat, pregnant, older, younger, make them into an Atlas or the skinny guy on the beach, make clothing fit, create hills in a terrain and just about anything you can imagine.

There are a multitude of morph packages available from aging a character to creating monstrous creatures. Morph packages are usually character dependent and will only work on the figures for which they were designed. Vis a vis some characters require certain morph packages for shaping and this will often be a listed requirement when purchasing a character, for example a character that uses the Michael 4 base will often require the M4 Morphs ++.

Morphs can be applied from the Parameters Pane or the Shaping Pane. Morphs in the Parameters Pane available for a character will be found under a heading called Actor which can be expanded to show all morphs. The Shaping Pane shows just morphs.